Sub domain mx records

I know that I am a bit boring but things interest me.
If I have domain that is already set up on the SimpleLogin and I want to install a SUB domain do I setup only MX records with new subdomain on my registrar page and how do I do it since I already proved that is my domain? And at the end is it even possible ?

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You can add as a custom domain on SimpleLogin and go through the DNS setup again. Though seemingly similar, a sub domain doesn’t have the same DNS records as the root domain.

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Hello Son, thank you for your answer. That means adding another txt to verify its my domain? Will DO !!!


Yes, as Son said…and the SimpleLogin DNS page will guide you about how to add the DNS records on the domain registrar.


Yes sorry I forgot to answer that I went through procedure and it was successful. Every day you learn something. Thank you both


I’m uping this topic but I have a similar problem but in the opposite way.
I have a SUB domain that is set up on SimpleLogin and I want to install the ‘root’ domain However it’s impossible because SimpleLogin say to me that “mydomain com already used in a simpleLogin mailbox”.

How can I manage to set up the root domain now ?

Thanks for any help.

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I´m curious about this topic…
Some updates on this?

I found the problem… The problem was not that I had already a sub domain register, but that i have an email as a MAILBOX set up as In this case, you can’t had a domain.