Purchased coupon on proxysto.re to extend annual subscription - cannot apply it

Hi, I bought a coupon to extend my yearly subscription and cannot find where to apply it even though proxysto.re gave a link to the page.
That page is only for buying new coupons and not for applying already purchased coupons.
Can you help please?

Hi, this is indeed a bug and should be fixed now.

Hi Son,

It still does not allow me enter my already purchased coupon.
Can someone at SL apply my coupon (to extend my subscription)

I have logged out, cleared cache etc

Hi @delah

actually, everything is written there in German and English. I have not had any problems there. Quote from digitalgoods.proxysto.re (at SimpleLogin (click here to read more)):

SimpleLogin is an open-source email forwarding service to protect your email address. The voucher turns your new or existing account into a premium account for the given duration or extends your subscription accordingly. Log in to your account and redeem the voucher at „Upgrade“. You can find SimpleLogin’s terms of service here. We are an official reseller of SimpleLogin.

SimpleLogin ist ein auf Open-Source-Software basierender Dienst für E-Mail-Weiterleitungen zum Schutz deiner E-Mail-Adresse. Mit dem Gutschein kann ein neuer oder bestehender Account für die gewünschte Dauer als Premium-Account genutzt bzw. verlängert werden. Logge dich in deinen Account ein und löse den Gutschein unter „Upgrade“ ein. Die AGBs von SimpleLogin findest du hier. Wir sind ein offizieller Reseller von SimpleLogin.

Is hxxps://app.simplelogin.io/dashboard/coupon not working for you?

I am currently having this problem too. Any help would be appreciated!

Thanks, I didn’t know there was an “Add discount” button. Sadly, I input my code but it said it was invalid… @Son any ideas? I’ll reach out to proxystore also