Multiple domains blacklisted as SPAM/disposable email

Hi everyone,

I noticed that some of the emails I send from the SimpleLogin domains are marked as junk email in Gmail.

A quick lookup on internet shows that most of the domains are listed as disposable email in SURBL (some Reddit posts have been mentioning it

I tried to list the domains that are still not in the blacklist on SURBL Blacklist lookup. Only two are not listed:

  • simplelogin (dot) com
  • simplelogin (dot) co

The rest of them are blacklisted:

  • simplelogin (dot) fr
  • aleeas (dot) com
  • slmail (dot) me
  • 8shield (dot) net
  • slmails (dot) com
  • silomails (dot) com
  • dralias (dot) com

This makes all of my subdomains unusable for sending emails.

What is SimpleLogin’s stance on that? Has SimpleLogin tried the “SURBL Blacklist Removal Request” form (and what is that answer if that is the case)?

Also, should we expect the simplelogin (dot) com and simplelogin (dot) co domains to be blacklisted soon on SURBL?


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You can report those to the sl team:

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it would be nice to have more domains !
how can i use "dralias " - it is not in the list i get shown in “new subdomain” ?