App for Safari on Macos


I wanted to install the SimpleLogin extension for Safari on macOS today, but it didn’t work anymore. This is because it tells me that this app is no longer available for my country or region (even though I have already installed it on another macOS Safari - France).

Is there a problem with the Safari app on macOS?

Thank you for any help.

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I am also experiencing this problem.

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I used to have a SimpleLogin extension in Safari (macOS Sonoma) but it has now disappeared! And like the other commentors, I can’t find a SimpleLogin extension to download for Safari.

What is going on?!?

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I wonder if this forum is of any use?
A clear problem is exposed here, and nobody is able to talk about it?

Good evening,

I’m replying to myself to add to what I’ve already said.
In the end, it’s better to use the tickets directly in the application. I was given a quick answer, which I’ll outline for you:

Our team is working on a new version of the Safari extension and the current is not in use at the moment.
Hopefully the team will add it soon.
In the meantime, you can use our SimpleLogin web app.