rejects all simplemail and custom domains

I think they might be similar to github in this respect where they’re looking up the MX records and seeing that they point to simplelogin servers.

Has anybody had success getting an Alibaba account email changed to a alias?

Well, I find Alibaba hits me with massive ports scans so I block all of their networks.

I had one cashback service that refused all my simplelogin domains (even custom ones). But they would allow GMAIL.
However, I did not want to give them my main gmail address. What I did was:
I created a NEW google account and gave them this email address. This way they can spam me with emails but I will never read them, because it’s just a throwaway account for me I will check like every 2 weeks.
That way everyone is happy. :sunglasses:

It looks like it is rejecting the word “alibaba” in the alias. Once I changed that word, it didn’t have an issue accepting the alias.
Well, first I made the account with my old yahoo email, but then it let me change it after I made a new alias without Alibaba.

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Interesting tip, I’ll try that and see if it works for me.