Beta tester for the new subdomain feature

Count me in.

20 characters.

it pro here, premium user, would love to give it a go.

thanks for the further enhancements to the product!

edit: may i add… would be sweet as hell if could possibly have more than 1 subdomain… ie 2-3… like for personal use, work use, online/gaming use or similar thought process – just tossing that out there :stuck_out_tongue:

i want to test this new beta feature. premium user here.

Thanks a lot for your interest! We have sent out a number of invitations for testing out this subdomain feature and close the beta program for now.

Please don’t worry, if everything goes well, we plan to roll out this feature publicly next week.

I’d like to test this too.
Edit: I just saw the last announce. Nevermind.

I would like to try this feature

I’m premium and I’d like to test.

@Anonymous5 @Secret The beta program already closed.

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I see, thought it was open due to the post on Reddit. Thanks for info.

Beta test. Let’s do this!

I’m interested, if still open!

Sign me up also. I would like to try this out.

Interested in beta testing subdomain feature

Thanks for launching this feature! Do we get unlimited subdomains?

At the moment the limit is 5 subdomains per users. This is because subdomain is a “shared” resource as opposed to the custom domains which are private.

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Beta or not this is great. Although I have the app on the phone this is so easier. Just remember the domain and whoever asks you for the mail…I give the

I just noticed this:

Deleting a subdomain will not restore the subdomain quota so please make sure to choose the subdomain you want to keep.

Oops. I created a few subdomains before this banner appeared (just when it initially launched). Is this thing about not restoring quota final or is this still being reconsidered?

Not likely and I understand them. It is a pool that has it limits. Better , much better, solution is to include your own domain…then you can make how many you want.

This is recently added as an anti-abuse measure as a deleted subdomain can’t be recycled. In the next coming months, we might increase the subdomain limit (e.g. from 5 → 10) :slight_smile: .

Hello, that would be a great feature, I love MY OWN swhit ! ! !